Since 2006

Since 2006
Since 2006


Skullhead (UK) - various lyrics

Living in a nightmare, can't turn around
But i know what's mine, gonna stand my ground
Because everyday living is different to ideals
And i know it's right, yes i know how it feels

Sometimes i might go astray
Sometimes i might go my own way
But deep within my heart i know i'm true
And i'll always stand by you

Standing by leaders who aint worth a light
Who shout from the back while i stand and fight
They say i can't drink and what i should give
But while they stand and talk i gotta live
I know exactly what i'm gonna do
Cos i'm a stormtrooper, gonna see it through

A stormtrooper stands and a stormtrooper fights
Cos he knows what he's doing from inside is right
And my image might not fit the poster on the wall
And my lifestyle wont meet the idealists call
But it's people like us who stand on the street
Yes, we're the stormtroopers and wont see defeat

We're stormtroopers, gonna make a stand
We're the stormtroopers, gonna fight for this land
So don't tell us how to go on
Cos we'll still be here when you are all gone

'Townmoor Festival'
Town Moor festival highlight of the year
Around the country the second biggest fair
Big wheels, dodgems, sideshows, the lot
For some the experience won't be forgot
It was the biggest event of the gang warfare year
Time for bootboys to shine up their gear
Plenty of polish and Doc Marten boots
Hair would be shaven back down to the roots

The meeting place sorted the word would be spread
The gangs were many but we were skinheads
Going to the Moor, a crew a hundred strong
The night would be ours and we were not wrong
We 'd stand round the waltzer a daunted sight
We 'd claim our manner we were ready to fight
Birds music lights and a high atmosphere
Our spirits were high we didn't know fear

Far off down the sideshows a gang is in sight
Like a wave we surge forward engulfing the night
The innocent cast aside as we charge to our aim
Towards our intention, the intention to maim
Excitement in our eyes as both gangs clash
The boots & the braces and the short baldes that slash
A woman sceams as a youth lies half dead
She watched in horror as the boots struck his head

Time to withdraw as chaos erupts
Get out of our way, excitement gets rough
Stand by the waltzer and watch the law pass
And laugh at the wounded as they bleed on the grass
Well Town Moor festival, time to have fun
Victory to those who didn't run
Townmoor festival highlight of the year
Victory to those with no fear

The gangs return home for last drinks at the bar
But some in ambulances and some in police cars
Townmoor festival highlight of the year
Victory to those with no fear
Well Town Moor festival, time to have fun
Victory to those who didn't run
Townmoor festival highlight of the year
Victory to those with no fear

Yeah as it was in the past, so shall it be
White youth fighting for victory
Only this time we're gonna unite
Stand together and fight, fight, fight, fight
We 'll unite, unite, unite

'White Warrior'
The black man celebrates his heritage
The Jah warrior has his past and his pride
Expressing their love for their home country
If that's the case, why can't we?

But what about the warriors now at hand
Just like red Indians return to their land
But like true warriors they never die
They 're jumping from their graves
And from their hearts they cry

We 're White, We 're the White warriors
White, We 're back from the dead
Cos we 're White, We 're the White warriors
The European warriors, The White skinheads

Pakistan, India and China man,
Can all be happy and can all have fun
Proud of their past and history
If that's the case, why can't we?

Standing proud we won't go away
Cos we 're White warriors we 're here to stay
Proud of our past and where we come from
And we 'll fight for that with a knife or a gun

'Blame The Bosses'
I just shouldn't blame you mate,
But I look in your eyes and I just see hate
Don't blame the blacks for the situation
They're a capitalist creation
I know that they shouldn't be here, ???
The bosses are our enemy,
Smash their power in our counrty

So blame the bosses for the blacks,
They're the ones who stab our backs
Blame the bosses for the blacks,
Fight the bosses, fight back, fight back

The reds they haven't got a clue,
They use the blacks for power tools
Worst than the bosses the commie scum
And like the bosses their day will come

Repatriation is the only solution,
Destroy cheap labour and reach for a solution
That's the reason for everything,
Smash the bosses smash their greed

And that's why I don't blame you mate,
But I look in your eyes and I just see hate
Don't blame the blacks for the situation,
They're a capitalist creation

'Whish The Lads Were Here'
On the streets tonight you can love and hate
You got anything on the avenue
What would if you lie when again
And I wish tonight, that the lads were here
We can have a love, we can drink some beer
We and riding through the spirit of the night

And I just wish the lads were here
And I just wish day that the lads were here

And no matter where we can find
We can think of we can think of friends
We won't change, no matter what they say
For we will be just a away
And till the end of the day
That they get us through the night

Years ago we had our faith
but it was taken away
And the biggest feast of it all
is what they now call Christmas day!
They say that Jesus was born on that day
Historically it isn't true
They twisted our customs to suit their own way
Lies can't (?)

It's the biggest rip off in history
They can't explain the Christmas tree
The yulelog and there's more
Cos santa claus is really Thor!

As the solar wheel dips low in the sky
the yulelog gives out it's fire
And Thor rides out on a big white horse
giving his gifts to the children he likes
significance of the Christmas tree
as Yggdrasil reaches the stars
The stars in the night sky burn so bright
as to outshine the Christian boss!

So this yuletide enjoy yourself
Remember what it's for
It's the end of the year
A time for beuty
Yuletide is for praising Odin and Thor
It's not a time for want and greed
that the Christians (?) brought
Observe the truth, forget the confusion
(?) is just an illusion

'The Way It Is'
We started off five years ago,we're still as strong today
Filled with the pride of our ancestors,we knew we would not stay away
The death of a friend a warrior, spurred on our battle cry
And through this band he still lives, yes our dead do not die

Cos we're Skullhead and through white unity we're gonna win
Yes we're Skullhead and we ain't gonna give in, thats right now

So we joined white noise and they helped us grow
A debt we swore we would repay
And just when things started going well
One of the band got sent away

Two and a half years of steady growth
Two and a half years we kept the oath
Two and a half years we worked like hell
And as Skullhead grew white noise fell

Now we've joined with mates to keep it going
To help white rock keep on growing our main aim is white unity
And with our musical sword we'll all be free
And now all the bands play together and that can't be a bad thing
No doubt there'll be those who'll criticise us
But we know we are gonna win

'Look A Head'
Where are you when we need you
Cos you're in the pink and your hair has grown
Don't mean you have to be a cunt
Don't mean you cannot support the front
If you were really what you said you were
Then no matter what you'd always be there
Cos loving your land isn't craze
Being patriotic isn't a fashion phase

So nationalists get your heads together
Don't stop dead look a head
No matter how you dress stick together
Don't stop dead look a head

You used to be a skin good luck to you mate
Well some of us change
And just cos you've turned casual
Don't let your thoughts re arrange
Cos we're still together our minds the same
We all still love our land
Nationalism's serious it isn't a game
So don't let your dress sanse get out of hand

This isn't written to pull you down everyone
For changing to whatever from a skin
In fact is written to sput you on
Ex-skins everywhere never give in
But if you turn red cos your hair has grown
And fashion says that the front isn't in
Then you're the lowest scum that i've ever known
A brainwashed posing trendy shit

‘Cry Of Pain’
A cry of pain comes from the soul
for the young warriors of today
have to survive in a scene of chaos
and for their stand they get locked away
one by one, I see them go
their crime defeating the foe

A cry of anguish and a cry of pain
as their youth gets stolen away
but I know they’ll return again
and this time they’ll see their day

Stood and fought by the way they know
betrayed by the cowards who ran from the foe
Then turned in to the state
by so called friends
then will it stop
where will it end

Young men or women, no - ones safe,
the young warrior becomes the enemy
turned over the darknesses wrath
betrayed by people who say that we’re free
but I know they’ll return again
forged on an anvil, and turned to men

‘Last Chance’
They promised we’d be free, and I believed their lies
While they kept us down, they helped the others rise
Coz the national front are nazis, that’s what I was told
And I believed in labour, while Britain was being sold

They sold their papers on the streets
And flew their union jacks
But they were nazis, at least that’s what I was told
So I turned my back

Year by year the party grew, and we were warned of them
Smash the nazis on the streets, Smash all Hitler’s men
Coz the national front are nazis, that’s I was told
And I believed in labour, while Britain was being sold

As years went by the blacks they grew
And I was getting scarred
I could not go out at night
As racial violence flared

The whites were mugged, raped and killed
I saw it with my eyes
Now was labour telling truth, or were they telling lies
The troops took to the streets, to keep the peace by day
But as the night time came around, they kept out of the way

Soon there was a fight, the white minority was dead
I was left alone, hiding with my old mate Ted

Watch out he screamed, here comes the mob, we both ran for our lives
They chased as down an alleyway, armed with switchblade knives
As they came like crazy dogs, doing a war dance
I could see that we were doomed, we never stood as chance

Furthermore they came, to join the last white hunt
Was then I saw the poster,
It said your last chance the national front

‘Odin’s Law’
Turn your face, to the golden years, and the glory of the past comes rushing back
Memories of when our race was young, how came the glory days, they didn’t last
I ask my self, just what we’re living for

We need rebirth through the ways of our own and through the glory days we’ll live again
Through Odin’s law, and the power of Thor, we have the strength to live and die once more
Within my self, I know it’s real, coz I can feel

Odin’s law, it’s what we’re living for
oh ho Odin’s law

The life cycle, comes round again, we must stand up and fight these evil men
Through Odin’s law, and the power of Thor we have the strength to live and die once more
Within my self, I know it’s real, said I can feel.

‘Fighting For Victory’
The battle for Tobruk was a long and bloody one, as the artillery fire rained on and on
Casualties were high, on either side, but still they carried on to win or die
Bravery reigned and heroes were born, as the fight in the desert seemed so long, stuck in a fox hole Must have been tough, but still they remained, they didn’t give up

Fighting for victory, in the middle of the desert
All those brave and fearless men risking their lives
Fighting for victory, in the middle of the desert
Looking back upon history, it hardly seems right

A nine month siege befell both sides
As the soldiers of the British, and the soldiers of the Reich
Fought against each other for victory, shunning the death and misery
As Rommel kept advancing Towards Tobruk, to take this place he wanted so much
But the bravery and courage of all those men, denied him his fate as history did tell

Now the battles over and a lot has been forgotten but not by the men who fought in that war
Only now are they realizing, the harshness and cruelty of it all
Fighting for victory, in the middle of the desert, seemed at the time the right thing to do
But as we all know they were betrayed, by the puppets controlled by the Jews.

‘Green And Pleasant Land’
See the anger, see the hatred running through this world
On the scrap heap at the age of 40 and now he doesn’t work
Union bosses promised him safety, sold him out again
Now he sits alone and hides, sits to hide his shame

See the dirt of all the ages ground in to my hands
 Is this what I really worked for is this my green and pleasant land

Sees the queues for work get longer retreats in to his shell
Remembers the pride of his forefathers, but only now and again
The anger in his mind grows stronger he doubts his sanity
Reduced to a beggar by the state a name, a number, one of many

The state of his mind is now confusion as bad times linger on
Tragedy, drama, comedy, the show has played too long\
His grand finale is a short one with nowhere left to hide
He leaves the world another number, another suicide.

'The Voyage'
Through the storm we sailed
Only to arrive at this destination
And what have we gained
As wind blows on in our direction

Looking back on our journey so far the going has been rough,
Many obstacles in our way, the opposition tough
But the voyage continues despite the storm despite the blinding rain
And once again, we will set sail, despite the sorrow and the pain

And once again, we sail on the next tide
And our mastiff flies the flag of our pride

Very rare we see calm waters
Very rare we get a break
But when we do, the rewards are true
So we get what we can take
Many times, we lost the fighting
To the demons of the storm
As one comrade falls, another rises
Another hero's born

The voyage is long, and will get longer, but we still stand by our laws
And we will set sail to our destination, to help our people's cause
Through the darkness, and the thunder, we sail on for our race
Like our forefathers, who'd sail the waters, til they'd find a resting place

'He's Red'
Che Guevara beret covers his greasy hair
John Lennon glasses for his schizo stare
Big red star pinned on his chest
Ingerlands class needs one more then this

Cause he's a red, he's scum
Its about time that the bastards got done
He's a red, he's scum
The real public enemy number one

Mommy drives round in a jaguar
Daddy's Rolls Royce is the company car
But you yourself have balls of brass
Tells everyone he's working class

Save gay whales and the colored fella
With every newspaper get a free Nelson Mandela
But he's very well much, on the take
His friends the IRA blew Harrods away, well done comrade

Hey there red scum whats wrong with you
What happened to your face, you ain't got a clue
What ya gonna do in years to come
When you're in your porsche with a high income