Since 2006

Since 2006
Since 2006


Ovaltinees (UK) - 'British Justice' ep lyrics


'British Justice'
It's all right for the money to riot
cos the fucking media they keep it quiet
They can loot and smash up all they like
cos british justice don't apply to their type

British justice,theres ain't no fuckin british justice

They call it racial discrimination
if a young white man tries to protect his nation
They look him up in a stinking cell
for fighting for why his forefathers fell

For the money they've got open ears
but they do nothin to quell the white man's fears
If your business gets wrecked that's it
cos if you're white you get treated like shit

You say that life's bad luck
you always wanna give up
you always whine and moan
but you never do nothing on your own

Take,take,take,take the east way out

You sit there waiting for death
like your some kind of macbeth
your pathetic life will pass your by
while you stand and watch the grass grow high

So don't bring your problems to me
about life and reality
i don't want to listen to it
just fuck off you apathetic shit

'Joe Public'
Will you only realise
when one moves next door?
and will you only realise
when your nice white daughter becomes a disco whore?

Wake up Joe public,wake up Joe
but you don't wanna know,do ya Joe?

Will you only realise
when trouble's up your street?
wake up Joe get on your feet

At the next election
be bold and make a change
at the next election
take a nationalist stance

Argentina you were all smiles
cos you thought you had the falkland isles
but when our mighty fleet approached you
Argentina you lost your arsehole

Don't,don't,don't mess with England

You thought you had a grip of iron
all around south georgia island
but when your heard the advancing marines
you latin wankers where nowhere to be seen

Argentina what have you got?
Argentina not a fucking lot
the general Belgrano with a hole in it
Argentina you're a load of shit

Galtieri your a fairy
sitting there in Beunos Aires
when you heard of the para's attack
a big yellow streak wen't right up your back