Since 2006

Since 2006
Since 2006


Nate of Wellington Arms

First intoduce us yourself?

My name is Nate Woodell. I play drums for Wellington Arms and Birthrite.

When you start to play music? What subculture you follow in the past?

I've been playing drums since I was 10 years old. Holy shit that's a long time now that I'm thinking about it. I'm 37 years old now. 

When I was little I loved metal music but I grew out of it the older I became. As I got into my teenage years I got more into Oi! and punk music. Played in several local bands but nothing really with mentioning.

You are the former drummer for magnificent band Wellington Arms. In which other bands you have play? What about the records you have take part?

I'm still the drummer for Wellington Arms and always will be! Eric and myself are essential to our bands existence. I've played drums on almost every recording Wellington Arms has done expect for the first EP Living In America. We finally got a real full length released last year 'Tomorrow We Win' released on Rebel Records. Only took 10 years to get it done hahaha. Unfortunately there's no Birthrite recordings released with myself drumming. They are coming though! We've been recording new songs recently. I was primarily their live drummer for concerts and Travis was drumming on the album. 

I've played drums for a lot of bands live. Empire Falls, Blood In The Face, Final Verdict. There's a lack of drummers playing nationalist music in the USA.

Talk us about your city and the scene there. How is the daily life and what about social problems?

Scene?? That's funny. There's nothing in Chicago anymore except a bunch of commie leftist that would be thrilled to shut down any public show if we were to be there. Lately if we play concerts it's usually for different nationalist organizations with good security. We only play 5 or 6 concerts a year. Social problems? The weakest part of our society is controlling our strongest part. Degeneracy, drugs, gambling, transsexuals are in everyone's faces now. It's only a matter of time until it all falls apart. 

Daily life? I'm a father of 3 boys and I drive a semi truck for work so I'm a busy guy. It's hard to get music stuff done but Eric and myself try to find time at least once a week to do something productive.

How much important is the today's politics of your country and what kind of influence have for you? What about the forbidden south flag and gun control? Differences state to state?

Politics in America are a joke. The 2 party system is broken. It's literally like which is your favorite football team? At the end of the day the only winners are the tiny hat wearing leaders. We're an occupied government that puts priorities into foreign soil and immigrants over their own here. 

Fuck yeah I'd rather wave the Confederate flag than the stars and stripes! People always think slavery this slavery that blah blah blah but the truth is the South didn't want to be apart of the Federal government and they wanted to have their own State rights. Bring the Confederate flag and monuments back!

Best bands, books and movies?

There's a lot of great bands out there right now. Fascine and Final Verdict are great stateside. Final Verdict has a proper full length coming out soon and it's gonna be awesome! In Europe I'm really into Berlin Breed, Thumbscrew, Bulldog Glory but there's too many bands to keep up with in Europe and a lot of them are great! I love Spanish and German Oi!/RAC.

As for books sadly I don't get much reading done lately but check out 'The White Nationalist Skinhead Movement' if you haven't already. A lot of great stories about all the trouble those guys got into. When I think about how hard it is to have a concert now all I have to do is read about the struggle Skrewdriver went through to get a gig. 

Not many movies today either. Usually I watch old black and white TV and documentaries. FUCKING BORING OLD MAN!

You follow European scene and world wide in general? Best countries and people you have visit?

I do follow the European scene!  We're hoping to play more concerts all over Europe over the next few years. Last October we had the honor of sharing the stage with Endstufe for 2 concerts in Germany. What a beautiful country, great people, great food, beautiful women and delicious beer! Hopefully we'll play concerts in Spain and Hungary soon. I've always wanted to visit those places.

Your thoughts about the American Oi! / R.A.C scene in the past in contrary of present?

I imagine in the late 1980s and early '90s those guys had a lot of struggle and a lot of violence. Today you can get all that too. I'm sure there was more action on the streets and a lot more word of mouth to pass the music around. We're still on the streets though, skinheads are from the streets and thats were it will always be. 

I do think about the music from back then. Bands like Arresting Officers, New Glory, Youngblood, Midtown Bootboys and how they got such a great sound. A lot of those guys were just kids making some of the best music ever created. Here I am in my 30s trying to recapture that sound.

How many gigs you have play with W.A. in which places and with which bands?

We've played a lot of shows all over the USA. We're frequently in the Pittsburgh area for concerts. American Defense Records and crew is based out of Pittsburgh so that's our home away from home. I did have a great time down South for a couple shows. Oklahoma will always have a special place in my heart. I doubt we'll ever play on the west coast again. Last time we tried Travis and myself spent 5 days in a jail cell in Washington State. Too much bullshit out there. 

We've shared the stage in the states with Max Resist, Blue Eyed Devils, Evil Inside, Para Elite, Total Annihilation, Brassic, Red, White and Black, Aggravated Assault and many other great bands. It's really amazing some of these bands are still going. It's a real honor to share the stage with the bands I listened to and looked up to when I was younger.

You follow any hobby?

I really love bowling! It's a great way to meet new white friends! I recommend it to everybody. Other than that nationalism and skinhead stuff is kind of a hobby isn't it? That keeps me busy on the weekends. Doing stuff, meeting up with people, playing music ect.

Your oppinion about Glory Days of R.A.C?

Glory Days Of RAC is awesome! Great place to check out all the bands we love and maybe some that might have been forgotten about! Great pictures and information!

Thank you for your time brother. Something more to say for the end?

There's a lot of new music coming! Been recording new Birthrite and Wellington Arms tracks. It's a slow process but we're getting it done! There should be a new Wellington Arms record by summer and hopefully a new Birthrite album before the year is over. Also the Americans will be invading Europe again this fall. Wellington Arms will definitely be playing along with some other special quests from the USA. So keep your eye out for the flyer coming soon.

Thanks for the interview and great talking with you. Cheers! Hail Victory!