Since 2006

Since 2006
Since 2006


Rival (USA) - debut album lyrics

Hey you out there
Don’t you really care
We’re White youth
Who want to know the truth

In 1991

Our future is bleak
But we say ‘no retreat’
They’re distorting the truth
Against me and you

Just open your eyes
Finally realize
Start to think for yourself
Don’t need the media’s help

We Got The Right
To all the people
Who say we can’t
To all those, who oppose
And say we’re no good

We got the glory
We got the right
We got the power
We’ve got to fight

You’ll never take us
Won’t stand a chance
You’ll never break us
Don’t make me laugh

Troubled skies and overshadowed feet
Run down factories and burned out streets
This is a place called no-mans land
Concrete graveyards, adolescent thieves

They’re all outcasts

Rape and murder make their peace
Misled youth fight in the streets
Murder goes on a daily routine
Someone’s screaming ‘call the police’

Society’s corruption, the urban defeat
Welfare lines and poor in the streets
This is a place called no-mans land
When I get out and take my stand

Burning rubble and rotting flesh
As we march on through the streets
System has failed, state is no more
But we are the ones who’ll never die

Only the true will survive
It’s the night of the long knives

A new breed of hate is in our town
We will win, we will carry on
Drop the scum into the earth
To The Order I salute

Clock is ticking, it’s out of time
Fly the flag, fly it with pride
Come join me and take a stand
We will fight, yeah we will never end

Hanging about with nothing to do
Just looking for someone to screw
Violent thoughts run through the brain
You’re doing drugs, you smoke cocaine

You’re a user

You ain’t got no friends no more
Turn your back and still want more
Murder and steal it’s just a game
But you’re the one that I blame

Start to run, nowhere to hide
Looks like you’ve lost your pride
Feeling ill you start to shake
As booted feet kick you in the face

'Kick In The Head'
Get out of my life
You give me nothing but hell
A stab in the back
I don’t wish you well

I’ll kick you in the head
I’ll kick you ’till you’re dead

Cheated and lied
You never said the truth
Turn on your friends
It’s only self abuse

'Street Kids'
Mind’s a blur, days of hate
Something tells me they’re in a craze
Tell them what they already know
That there’s no place to go

Dead end kids
Got no fate
Days are numbered
Time’s too late no escape!

Sickened stomach, violent shakes
Broken bodies, what’s their fate?
They’ve got no money, they’ve got no time
If they don’t quit they’ll be doing time

Trouble at home, trouble at school
They’re kicked out but no one’s fooled
Living for the ’90s isn’t a game
So you know who gets blamed

Left out in the cold
I’ve got no place to go
I’ve got nothing for society
So why can’t they fuckin’ let me be

Society, society
You’ll never get me
Society, society
You won’t change me

Backs against the wall
I’ve got nothing at all
I’m just White working class
I will fight, yeah I will last

People always put me down
Try and smash me to the ground
But I’ll just shut it out
‘Cos I will win the final bout

'Dead & Buried'
Want to go out and find something to do
The place is dead and buried for you
The city is burning down to the ground
Well I want to get drunk and go downtown

Detroit is burning
Yeah what can I do?
What are we gonna do
It’s dead and buried, dead and buried

Stick together yeah it’s always the same
It’s never safe to be astray
Well I want to go out and drink and fight
Down the pub we stay out all night

Cops are coming stay out of sight
Just watching them shine the light
Time has come it’s time to leave yeah
Just no place for you and me

You hear my name, you see my face
But can you tell me just what I’m thinking?
Tell me that your system rules
But I’m gonna tell you fuckin’ different

Smash the system
The leftist state
They’re the people we hate hate hate

Come on now give me the blame
It’s what you do, it’s your best
Can’t pretend that we’ll go away
Skinheads will never go away

Walking down the avenue
Boots and braces, short crops too
When we walk in our stride
You know that we’re full of pride

We’re the elite
The skins you can’t beat
We’re the elite
The skinhead beat

Get in fights, it’s just a game
But you know who gets blamed
Skinheads are never tame
‘Cos you know they’re insane

No surrender, never give in
‘Cos you know we will win
Take no prisoners, make no mistakes
We will seal your fate

'We Get The Blame'
People running around
Looks like they’re lost and found
They’ve got no right to give me the blame
They’ve got no reason to crucify me
‘Cos I’m just trying to find my way

We get the blame
It’s all the same