Since 2006

Since 2006
Since 2006


Fight Action (Belgium)

A brand new, short but interesting interview with the singer of legendary R.A.C band from Belgium. EnjOi!

Hello Popeye!  How old are you today and what about your life present days?

I live in Bruges and I am a pipe welder working in Brussels. I going on weekend’s party at the pub Barock.

You were vocalist of cult band Fight Action and as not many things are well know about your band, please give us the history about how all start and about the other members. You see any of them today?

I arrive in Belgium in September 1987, hosted by Thure, the bassist, after having met my future wife, I stay permanently in Brussels, so Thure asks me to be the singer of Fight Action, I still see Thure today.

When you stop your band and what was the main reason? You leave back then the skinhead culture and nationalism or you continue to follow? You have any experience with any other subculture?

After the concert at the parti des forces nouvelles, we banned from everywhere by communal decree. The day before the meeting in Dixmude, we were jailed for 24 hours, the drummer had been changed by Dirk a German, too many problems, a missed rehearsal, a little concern for from time to time and finally we didn't even notice that in fact Fight Action was over. We all lived in Brussels, it became the Babel of the races.

Belgium had a good skinhead movement but few bands then. Talk us about other maybe unknown bands. How was the situation with society, enemies, police?

I don't see, but in the '90s other bands arrived. The situation, it's crap, especially when you're not politically correct.

In 1988 you play a gig with two top bands from abroad, No Remorse from England and Bunker 84 from France. Talk us about this event. Who organized this? Was a large crowd there?

Concert organized by Pure Impact Skins and Made In Belgium Production. The room reserved, refused at the last moment, the Parti des Forces Nouvelles welcomes us, and was a great concert wuth good atmosphere and 200 to 250 people.

The only release for your band was from Block 88 Records (?) in 1995, one ep with 4 songs but lucks in good recording and production. I thing the band had broke up already then, right? Who was responsible for this release and who was back from the label? Why you have never the opportunity for any release and a normal recording? There any suggestion from Rebelles Europeens for example to make an official lp or any other contact with labels? How about record rooms there those days?

At the end of 1988 Fight Action it was over, we had a proposal from Rock O Rama, different criteria to take into account, nothing is done. And in 1995, Suck, friend and future singer of Les Vilains decided to produce 500 singles. Most over now in Bruges we are 3mn away.

How many songs you had in total? You play any covers in your live sets? Few words about the subjects of the songs: Division De L'Espoir, Skinhead Justice, Pourquoi?, 1940, Un Combat, Une Race, Délire Pour Shooter Les Immigrés.

Seven in French that I sing, one in English which Thure sings and I play bass. A resumption of 'Chaos' during a rehearsal recorded on tape that I gave to Paul during the concert at the PFN that came into the hands of Ian Stuart, and follows an article in the Blood and Honor of May or June of 1988.

Thoughts and your opinion  about 4 top of Belgium skinhead scene: Pure Impact skinzine and later label / Live & Loud concert organization / De Kastelein pub / Kill Baby Kill band?

Great organization the live and loud, the kastelein, a friend who really moved his balls, Kill Baby Kill, a few levels above both musically and technically, very good, unfortunately I didn't know Dieter.

What about the problems and fights then between people of Belgium with different languages. I mean the situation with Flemish, Wallonies & Germans. Your opinion about it?

I am French and since 1987 I live in Belgium, Brussels, Tournai and now Bruges, no comment on the political situation, but Flanders is right.

What can you tell us about a glorious history of your country? Heroes and important persons?

Belgium, the grass is not greener elsewhere. Historical facts, a tribute to the people of Bruges and West Flanderen, the battle of the golden spurs, another tribute to Cherkassy and its fighters. Important characters: Goedeffroy de Bouillon, Leon Degrelle, Adolphe Sax, Mobutu 😂 of course all answers are my personal opinion.

In Belgium there always hooligan firms. What about stadiums and football in your life? Which clubs & teams as nationalist you support then?

Rogue companies. I love football, i was going to RWDM in early '90's but i dropped football, my own national team makes me sick, my opinion you can't be a nationalist have racial principles and jump for joy when a black scores a goal for your team.

What about nationalist parties and political activity then?

Interesting political activities in Flanders and sterile in Wallonia.

You have visit England for any big R.A.C gig back then? You had contacts with skinheads or bands from abroad? You meet Ian Stuart? Any Greek guy?

Contacts with skinheads, of course, in France, Holland-Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Italy-Vicenza, Spain-Barcelona and Valence, Germany-Colognes, Berlin, two Francais who lived there, Geneva especially Lausanne October November 1987 with the Toy Dolls at the Dolce Vita and I meet in the process with Ian Stuart twice in 1990 in Antwerp, but now quiet with the usual friends, finally almost quiet😂😂

You follow and you have contacts present days with movement? Any advice about it? Any luck to bring back to life Fight Action even for a gig?

Always contacts of course, concerts, parties with friends, social networks by avoiding any compulsive behavior, but unfortunately only that which can allow to stay in contact from everywhere. Bring Fight Action back to life, maybe when I am mayor of Bruges 😂😂

Thank you very much for your time! I hope all the best for you! Any last words are yours!

The last words, 2021 we are in the shit with two viruses, Covid19 and the worst of all the displacement of civilizations.